You're going to Disney World! Join Southwest District Key Clubbers, Advisors and Alumni in Orlando, Florida for the 100th Birthday Bash for Key Club International!
Why should you attend?
Great classes and workshops to strengthen your clubs and develop your leadership skills,
Elect 2025-2026 Key Club International Leaders,
Obtaining Training for Club and District New Positions
Complete in and Celebrate Key Club International Contests & Awards,
Theme Parks...duh!
Celebrate the 2024-2025 Service Year with the Southwest District's very own President David Robaina, and
Make New Friends!
Pricing and further details will be released in January, but click the link below to complete our ICON25 Interest Form. Our goal is 100 attendees for the 100th birthday, so this trip is open to current Key Clubbers, Advisors, and Alumni!
Questions: Kathi Tran, ADA